My Story

My name is DeAndra and well, I’ve always been a curious person. When I was a child I would always research and experiment with different elements. I wanted to know what made the different colors in the dirt and why leaves changed colors. I would take sap from trees and do various things with it. I had no idea that my love for nature and experimentation would lead to me having my own company.

As I grew older my curiosity peaked and I would mix things around the house and my mom would often say “what kind of concoction did you mix up now Dee”. I started doing my own hair at 11 and that turned into me being a little entrepreneur. I braided hair for my whole family and all of my friends from the age of 11-20. My grandmother always told me “you have growing hands” little did I know, in a few decades I would eventually create products that change the lives of people worldwide.

How my company was born -  I’m actually an accountant by trade. But one day I went on a quest to help my sister find something to heal her stubborn acne. She had always suffered from acne and nothing she ever tried worked. By this time I was in my late 20s and she was in her 30s still suffering from acne. I also started experiencing adult acne. Through tons of research, my charcoal soap was formulated. It instantly cleared my sister’s acne in a month. 

Around the same time I went on a quest to heal my mind, body and spirit through herbalism and self care. My hair journey began in 2015. I started experimenting with various herbs designed to heal. At the age of 4 my mother relaxed my hair and my hair never recovered so hair growth and health was an issue for me - until my HEALING OIL was born. This formulation came to me like a divine gift, wrapped perfectly. It needed no alterations whatsoever. Once I started treating my hair, each month or so my hair would be longer and longer. Before this - My hair NEVER grew past shoulder length even though I wore braids for 10 straight years. While treating with the healing oil I knew I had to keep my hair protected so I opted for wigs. I remember people would ask me, “why do you wear wigs” and I’d reply, because my hair is healing. Everyone thought it was funny. A lot of people also thought I was bald under the wigs and were very surprised to find out that was far from the case. I wore wigs and weaves for 2 years and when I stopped wearing them my hair was tailbone length, longer than it had ever been in my life. Longer than anyone in my family has ever had. 

2017 - My final job as an accountant. I started a new job in a CPA firm. I sat next to a girl, Bethany Ford. She had an outbreak on her face that she was struggling with. I remembered the Charcoal soap. I brought her some one day and told her that I make it for my sister, she took it home and used it and the next day the outbreak was gone. yea GONE. She told me that I should sell it. I debated a little, leery... on edge... afraid of failure. Asked her if she really thought so. She said “yes you know how many women suffer from skin issues.” I thought long and hard for about a week and then I went to work on starting my company. Now you have Naturally Divine Products and the rest is HERstory.  

There are a lot of products on the market but what sets mine apart is that it’s not just something that I threw together to sell to the public. All of my products were strategically formulated to facilitate HEALING. My biggest sellers are my hair growth products of course, but the Healing oil is not just a hair growth oil, it’s a healing oil that works for several skin and mouth afflictions. 


You can rest assured that anything you buy from Naturally Divine is of superior quality - All handmade with love.

It is my belief that the earth provides us with everything we need to heal ourselves, naturally and divinely.



Love & Light - Dee

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